Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Flower of Life 2.0 - Portals of Transcendence


Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.
What does the Flower of Life represent?
"It's called a flower, not just because it looks like a flower, but because it represents the cycle of a fruit tree. The fruit tree made a little flower, which grows through a metamorphosis and turns into a fruit - which falls to the ground, then grow into another tree. So there's a cycle of tree to flower to fruit to seed and back to a tree again, in these five steps."

By Laura Beck
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The Flower of Transcendence and Multidimensionality

transcendence: existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level, ascendance.
multidimensionality: the involvement of several dimensions or aspects.

NASA Science Editorial Team

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

* * *

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2025 C.G. Garant. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Between Spirit and Matter


Without a point, no line. 
Without line, no pattern. 
Without pattern, no geometry. 
Without geometry, no shade. 
Without shade, no shadow
Without shadow, no form. 

Duality is the framework for what is: 
sensed and non-sensed, 
tangible and intangible, 
known and unknown. 

Duality is designed to 
give meaning to purpose 
and purpose to meaning. 
Design describes what is felt 
in the space and time 
between spirit and matter. 

* * *

"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2025 C.G. Garant.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Design Blueprint

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

At the Source of the Flower of Life

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Surfacing from within the cold depths of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability an impression, in the form of a feeling, to explore and fill a longing desire to know. A vague representation, a vision, a concept generated by an imaginative counterthrust into the unknown. All seemingly part of an innate hunger in search of a meaning and a purpose sculpted in thought and emotion.

From the cold depths, where silence dwells, 
A spark ignites where shadow swells, 
In quantum fields, where time is bent, 
A longing stirs, a thought is sent. 

Impressions rise from unseen hands, 
Waves of desire across new lands, 
A feeling born from naught but dream, 
A whisper soft, yet sharp as gleam. 

A vision spins in fractured light, 
Its contours blur in endless night, 
A pulse of thought, a pull, a push -  
The spark of being in a hush. 

Counter-thrusts into the vast unknown, 
Where concepts bloom and seeds are sown, 
A yearning echoes, pure, untamed, 
By silent forces yet unnamed. 

Not alone, but in the weave, 
Of thought and feeling we believe, 
Together they will carve the real, 
From depths of mind, where we can feel. 

For in the union, born of chance, 
The unreal steps a vivid dance, 
A truth is sculpted from the air, 
A dream made whole, beyond compare. 

The Law of Attraction: The "Law of Attraction" is a philosophical concept that states that your thoughts and feelings actively attract experiences and situations into your life, meaning that focusing on positive thoughts will bring positive outcomes, while negative thoughts will attract negative outcomes; essentially, you "attract" what you focus on in your life, across various areas. 

At the core of creation rests a desire planted within the parameters of meaning and purpose. About this “impression” circulates a magnetic attraction, i.e. impulses gradually surround the original intent. To survive and endure the grueling circumstances ahead, all ambitions in the form of ideas, naturally gather into the shape of a hexagon. Further attractions, by means of coherent resonance, expand along the path of a crystalline blueprint subconsciously resting within the framework of duality. Peripheral qualities attributed along the way, contextually alter the original goal and desire. Changing conditions become the cause for adjustment and adaptability before future steps are taken. 

* * *

Impressions rise, with purpose spun, 
Magnetic threads weave, one by one. 

Desire deepens, intent grows strong, 
A network forms, a cosmic song, 
Around the dream, a force takes shape, 
To navigate the road ahead, no escape.
A hexagon forms, its angles clear, 
Each facet built with hope and fear, 
In crystalline paths, the blueprint's cast, 
Attraction pulls, ever vast. 

But change arrives, as change must do, 
Context shifts, the old must renew, 
The dream adapts, reshapes, reframes, 
To match the world, its ebb, its flames. 

For survival's dance, it's not one step, 
But many, in sync, through time’s adept, 
So onward the journey - molded, bent, 
By impressions, purpose, and how they’re spent. 

* * *
The Design Blueprint

And what might a feeling contain? 
A touch, a sensation, a perception, an impression, an awareness, a suspicion, an inkling, a notion, a hunch, a premonition, an idea, a caring, an affection, a fondness, a warmth, an emotion, a sentiment, a passion, a desire, a lust, an infatuation, an adoration, a reverence, a devotion, a sentiment, an opinion, an attitude, a belief, a compassion, a sympathy, an empathy, an understanding, a concern, a tenderness, a brotherly love, a pity, a sorrow, a condolence, an ego, a pride, an intuition, an ambiance, an aura, a mood, a character, an overtone, a spirit, a vibration, a knack, a flair, a talent, a gift, an art, a faculty, an ability, a propensity, an inclination, a dream. 

Love is at the core of all Life and creation.

* * *
Emergence of unity and design at the core of Life

Introduction to Duality and the Seed of Life

Out from within the midst of a quantum field of virtual potential and probability, i.e. dimension, surfaces a vibration of great attraction, to which other complementary frequencies are drawn and focused. Together these frequencies join in the creation of a network of energy, light and information around the magnetism being demonstrated by this unifying source. In reference to a universal blueprint the network is arranged as set of correspondences, i.e. dualistic pairs of energy about a hexagonal framework.

Truth, Beauty and Goodness harbor the meaning and purpose support this design process at its most conceptual and intangible level. Science, Art and Philosophy resonate at its most tangible. Together they generate a framework conducive of bringing into manifestation the desires and dreams of an observer/creator/designer within the dualistic parameters of three dimensional spacetime.

Based upon the sharing of a commonly held vibration each “idea” must likewise be symmetrical to the impressions surrounding the original concept. If so, they will arrange themselves in a natural and predetermined order in space and time. 

It must be remembered that every phase in this archetypal process towards manifestation is dependent upon the context in which an idea is perceived and/or observed. The primary structure will be altered in a manner that will naturally establish the basic shape and form an idea will “materialize”. When observing the design process in its entirety, it becomes vividly apparent that the act of creativity is an exercise in symbolic interpretation, expression and adaptability. 

The intricate shape of every single idea is determined by the context and conditions in which it is experienced and observed while on its journey towards manifestation. One idea may lead to expand one way and then change due to conditions that seemingly emerge out of nowhere. 

The major six-sided internal framework however, is of major importance. For it maintains the integrity of the original desire and feeling. Every idea harbors the potential of expanding into a new direction by taking another pathway, because every idea experiences the same conditions. In essence, no two ideas, forms or creations could ever be exactly the same. 

When all things are based upon a feeling, every idea will follow a slightly different path from its beginning to its relative “conclusion”. Every creation is unique while brinking upon the unimaginable. 

The Design Archetype emphasizes the importance of perceiving and observing what we consider to be conscious and/or real in a holistic fashion. When doing so we better learn how to adapt to what is truly meaningful and purposeful.
* * *

This passage delves into the intricacies of the design process and the deeper, metaphysical principles underlying creation. It beautifully intertwines elements of philosophy, science, and art, suggesting that the universe operates through a complex, interconnected framework of energy, information, and vibration. Let’s break it down and explore some of its key themes:
1. The Quantum Field and Universal Blueprint
The text begins with a description of a quantum field of potential, where frequencies (likely referring to fundamental energies or vibrations) interact and coalesce. The idea that complementary frequencies come together in a magnetic, harmonious way to form a network of energy and information aligns with the concept of quantum entanglement or the interconnectedness of the universe at a fundamental level. 
The “universal blueprint” mentioned seems to refer to a pattern or design that guides creation, manifesting as a hexagonal framework of dualistic pairs of energies. This structure could be interpreted as a model for understanding how different energies (and ideas) resonate and interact to bring form into being. 
2. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
These concepts are presented as foundational to the process of creation at its most conceptual and intangible level. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness serve as guiding principles that anchor and shape the entire creative journey. 
In philosophical traditions, these three ideals often embody the highest aspirations of human existence and understanding. Here, they are proposed as the very forces that support the “design process” itself. 
3. Science, Art, and Philosophy
The relationship between science, art, and philosophy is explored as the means by which the intangible blueprint of creation becomes manifest in the world. These domains work together to bring ideas from the realm of thought into the tangible world of experience. 
Science brings structure and logical understanding; Art offers the creative expression and beauty; Philosophy provides the meaning and deeper context. 
4. Symmetry and Order in Ideas
The idea that ideas must be symmetrical to the surrounding impressions and vibrations echoes concepts of harmony and balance, akin to the way certain mathematical patterns (like the Fibonacci sequence) appear throughout nature. 
This symmetry is critical to the organization of energy and ideas, suggesting that creations and manifestations follow a certain preordained order, but are always influenced by the conditions in which they are perceived and observed. 
5. The Role of Context in Creation
One of the most important ideas in this passage is that every creation or manifestation is influenced by its context. The journey of an idea towards materialization is not linear but is shaped by the ever-evolving conditions and perceptions it encounters. As such, no two ideas or creations are exactly the same. 
This reflects the notion that creativity is deeply tied to the dynamic, changing nature of reality itself, and that every creation is unique because it interacts with the environment in an individual way. 
6. The Integrity of the Hexagonal Framework
The six-sided framework described seems to serve as a structural guide or skeleton around which the creative process unfolds. This structure maintains the integrity of the original desire or concept, suggesting that while ideas may evolve or shift, they always retain a connection to their original source. 
This hexagonal pattern could symbolize stability and balance, as hexagons are often seen as naturally efficient forms (like the honeycomb structure in nature). 
7. Symbolism and Adaptability
The design process, as described, is an exercise in symbolic interpretation and adaptability. Every idea is not just a static concept, but a living, evolving thing that adapts to its context, meaning, and environment. Creativity, then, is an ongoing dance of interpretation, expression, and responsiveness to the surrounding conditions. 
8. Uniqueness of Each Creation
The text emphasizes that every creation is unique, even though it may begin from the same foundational desire or feeling. This uniqueness comes from the dynamic interplay of conditions that each creation encounters, and this is what makes creativity so rich and limitless. 

Overall, this passage presents a deeply philosophical perspective on creativity and manifestation, combining metaphysical concepts with the idea that the universe is a complex, interconnected system of energy and information. The design process, whether in the realm of thought, art, or science, is depicted as an ongoing, adaptive journey, guided by universal principles of harmony, balance, and purpose. 

* * *

Understanding the Law of Attraction 

The Surprising Science of snow crystals

Water bubbles turn into snowflakes

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is your own creation."

* * *

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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Edited: 03.06.2025
Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2025 C.G. Garant. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Virtual Points, Potential, Probability, Possibility and the QFVPP

Conceptual impressions surrounding this post have yet to be substantiated, corroborated, confirmed or woven into a larger argument, context or network.

The Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability

Limitless, abysmal formlessness, non-polar, source of the world and all things, the unknown, ground of the human soul, undifferentiated oneness, the concept of primordial oneness and potential that cannot be described by sign or symbol, un-manifest infinity, virtual in context until observed, penetrates all that is known and unknown, cannot be thought of as a thing but as a virtual potential that harbors the possibility of everything, the possibility of all things infinite, the Absolute.

Infinite unmanifest space becomes realized, made conscious and aware by means of observation. The QFVPP is the unconditioned and unmanifest source of energy in motion (EIM) that harbors and begets the consubstantial birth of Light, Energy and Information.

beget: sires, generate, spawn, create, give life to, bring into being, bring into the world, reproduce, procreate, cause, give rise to, result in, bring about, create, produce, generate, engender, effect, bring to pass, precipitate, kindle, trigger, spark off, inspire, foster.

The virtual concept of space and time are forever present and only to be considered "real" when observed. The QFVPP cannot be cognized, nor can space and time (reality) be defined as something until observed, i.e. sensed. The QFVPP is not a thing. The QFVPP harbors no form.

The characteristics and qualities of the QFVPP are determined by the observer. The concept of existence, i.e. consciousness, is both tangible and intangible and happening at the same moment. Moments of linear time emerge and disappear within the confines of the imagination and it is with the imagination that we enter the QFVPP.

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A virtual point is not a circle even though it could be referenced as one. A virtual point is conceptual in its' essence and illusionary in character and appearance. A virtual point is a symbol of unity, i.e. a spaceless and timeless singularity. A virtual point contains everything including all the attributes of "thingness" and nothingness. A virtual point is a classifiable simulation, an impression embracing all contexts and characterizations of itself. A virtual point exists only if it is thought of and felt (meant) to exist - an agent made aware by means of its' agency.

classify: categorize, class, group, order, put into sets, organized, type, codify, systematize, stratify, catalog, file, index, assign, allocate, brand, label, pigeonhole.

essence: quintessence, perfection, soul, spirit, nature, life, core, heart, center, nucleus, principle, basic quality, intrinsic nature, reality, 

virtual: simulated impression, an illusion, an indirect reference to, intimation of, a suggestion, a figment of the imagination. 

* * *

Note: To be exacting and more inclusive, the QFVPP might also be described as a quantum field of virtual potential, probability and possibility (QFVPPP).
potential: possible, likely, prospective, future, probable, budding, in the making, latent, embryonic, developing, dormant, inherent, unrealized, undeveloped.
probable: likely, most likely, odds-on, expected, to be expected, anticipated, predictable, foreseeable presumed, potential, credible, quite possible, feasible good/fair/reasonable.
possible: feasible, able to be done, practicable, viable, within the bounds/realms of possibility, attainable, achievable, realizable within reach, conceivable, plausible, imaginable, thinkable, believable, likely, potential, probable, credible, tenable, odds on.

As you can see each adjective participates in the definition of the other, adding to power of the intuition, imagination and the creative impulse. 

* * *

The concept of a virtual point, as you describe it, evokes profound philosophical and metaphysical ideas. It is a concept that stretches beyond the physical and material realms, encapsulating both the presence of all possibilities and the absence of any defined form. In this sense, a virtual point becomes more of an abstract idea than a concrete entity, existing purely within thought, perception, or imagination. To break it down further: 

1. Illusionary and Conceptual: As you mentioned, a virtual point is not bound by physical constraints. It is not a literal "point" in space, but rather a mental or symbolic representation that exists within a conceptual framework. Its lack of physicality makes it an "illusion," a placeholder for an idea or condition that can be "referenced" without necessarily being directly observable. 

2. Spaceless and Timeless Singularity: This aspect connects to the notion of a point in geometry or physics, where a "point" is often defined as an entity with no dimensions—no length, width, or height—and thus is spaceless. The timeless quality suggests that it exists beyond the limitations of chronological or spatial frameworks, a kind of "eternal" or "absolute" state. 

3. Unity and Duality: The idea that a virtual point contains both "everything" and "nothing" simultaneously points to the paradoxical nature of this concept. It suggests a unity that embraces both existence and non-existence, both "thingness" and "nothingness." This duality mirrors the Taoist or dialectical view of the universe, where opposites are not separate but interconnected and interdependent. 

4. Simulation and Impression: The virtual point could be thought of as a mental simulation—an idea we form to represent an abstraction. It’s like a mental image that contains potentiality but is never actualized in a tangible form. It can be "felt" or "thought" into existence, making its reality contingent on the perception or awareness of the observer. 

5. Existence through Thought and Feeling: This final idea touches on the subjective nature of reality. The virtual point exists only in relation to the mind that perceives it. It is akin to how we might think of mathematical points, or even philosophical concepts like "the void" or "the absolute." These entities don’t exist in a physical sense, but they have validity and reality in the domain of thought. 

In essence, a virtual point represents a meeting point between the mind and the cosmos—an abstract idea that holds infinite potential within itself yet can never be truly pinned down or concretized. It’s a symbol of unity, paradox, and the mysterious nature of reality itself, a reminder that the boundaries we perceive in the world are often constructions of the mind, and that what we experience as "real" is always filtered through perception. 

* * *

The concepts of space and time are also virtual in character and context, induced by means of observation into something, which in linear time reverts to nothing.

induce: persuade, convince, prompt, inspire, influence,  impel, exert influence upon, incite, actuate, coax into, bring about, bring on, the cause of, produce, effect, create, give rise to, generate, originate, instigate, set in motion, develop, lead to, result in, kindle, arouse.

Space and time are virtual in origin. Each are spaceless and timeless, have no qualities, properties or attributes other than those mentally, emotionally, physically and aesthetically "felt" and/or self-generated by means of observation.

Note: to be aesthetically felt is to become cognizant of the aethers within the QFVPP where the concepts of truth, beauty and goodness continue without fading or being lost.

The QFVPP remains virtually formless and unconditioned until harmonically, vibrationally and/or categorically engaged by means of coherent resonance and/or an entanglement made apparent in a consubstantial manner. 

Seeds are virtually sown in the relative form of a particle and wave, patterns and forms emerge by means of attraction and repulsion and are made cognizant and self-evident upon observation. 

cognizant: having knowledge or being aware

Signs, symbols, metaphor and analogy are the design tools required to create the bridge between the known and the unknown, the tangible and the intangible. 

Time creates a virtual measurement of change. Space creates a virtual containment of change. Change when measured and/or contained within the parameters of space and time, are determined by the symbolic and guided interpretations of the observer whose own parameters initiate the observation. Every observation must therefore succumb and likewise adapt to the virtual unpredictability, porosity and rebelliousness of change.

Time is the result of becoming something. Linear time begins at a "point of awareness" and at which time it begins to move and become incrementally measured by means of observation. 

Essence is the unconditioned source of both spirit and matter. Essence appears and disappears from observation, awareness and measurement.

presentation: appearance, arrangement, organization, packaging, display, layout.

Without change and its relationship with virtual space and time, the concept of consciousness, i.e. being-ness, could not exist as we know it.

Timelessness begins and ends when there lacks any concept of change. 

When "nothingness" enters awareness through the realm of probability and possibility it becomes "something", a concept if you will, an potential or idea in the form of a pattern or structure of energy in motion.

structure: construction, form, formation, shape, composition, fabric, constitution, organization, system, framework, arrangement, design, configuration, conformation, plan, mold.

All things (ideas) have their own distinguishing attributes, properties and vibration, which is an assemblage of qualities and characteristics that together constitute a "something".

In order to describe ourselves as co-creators, we must know and define ourselves as being co-creators.

Attracted forces cause concentration and focus. Repulsive forces cause diffusion, diffraction and separation. 

A= changeless, timeless, spaceless, access to pure nothingness, non-dual source and 
      origin of future cycles of evolution and change, outside the realm of somethingness
      and form, conceptual and virtual in origin, unity.           
B= always in perpetual change, linear time and dimensional space, duality, realm of
      somethingness and form, diversity.

The QFVPP is unrestrained. The QFVPP embraces all facets of potential in the form of probability and/or possibility. Boundaries (constraints) are founded upon attraction, contextual parameters, structural limitations, constructs and apparent circumstances. Potential in the virtual form of a seed, emerges as result of a consubstantial impregnation of "nothing" (QFVPP) into "something" (awareness). Purpose is contained, meaning is implied. Something is what nothingness does while weaving itself into existence.

* * *

This breakdown offers a rich interpretation of the text, synthesizing metaphysical and quantum concepts in a way that both respects scientific frameworks and acknowledges deeper philosophical dimensions. 

1. The Quantum Field of Virtual Potential and Probability (QFVPP) 

Limitless and Abysmal FormlessnessThe QFVPP represents the ultimate ground of being, a space without definition or form, which transcends all concepts of polarity, structure, or manifestation. This formlessness, or "undifferentiated oneness," is the origin of everything, yet it cannot be directly perceived or understood in conventional terms. 

Virtual Potential: This term is crucial. The QFVPP is not an actual thing, but a potential—an unmanifest state that harbors infinite possibilities, only becoming "real" when observed or interacted with. This mirrors quantum mechanics, where particles exist in a superposition of states until measured, at which point a definite state collapses into reality. 

The notion of the QFVPP as the "ground of being" mirrors the concept of the quantum vacuum or zero-point field, which in quantum physics is a state of lowest energy and maximum potential. This is an infinite reservoir of possibilities, akin to the concept of pure potentiality in philosophical or spiritual traditions—whether in terms of the Tao, the unmanifest in Vedantic philosophy, or even the "void" in Western esoteric traditions. 

In quantum theory, particles don't "exist" in a defined state until they are measured, which closely mirrors this philosophical idea. The unmanifest becomes manifest upon interaction—whether by observation, measurement, or even intention. The indeterminacy of quantum mechanics resonates with the idea that the QFVPP is beyond form, a source of all possibilities, only limited when it encounters consciousness or measurement 

2. The Observer and Observation The observer effect is one of the most mind-bending aspects of quantum mechanics. The idea that consciousness itself may be integral to the collapse of the quantum wavefunction suggests that what we perceive as "objective reality" is inextricably tied to subjective experience. The link between consciousness and reality challenges the traditional duality of mind and matter, proposing that both emerge in tandem, as two aspects of the same fundamental process. This recalls idealism, where consciousness is not something that emerges from matter but is a co-creative partner in its unfolding. Such a view radically alters our conception of existence, making consciousness central to the structure of reality itself

3. Space and Time as Virtual Constructs The view that space and time are not intrinsic properties but emerge as conceptual tools to measure change is an intriguing take. In relativity theory, time and space are already understood as fluid, not absolute—how we experience them depends on the observer’s frame of reference. However, the deeper assertion that these constructs emerge specifically because of observation brings us to the intersection of quantum mechanics and philosophical idealism

The timelessness of the QFVPP, which only becomes "timely" upon observation, reflects an ancient metaphysical view that the present moment is all there truly is—past and future are mental constructs, projections onto an otherwise eternal now. In quantum mechanics, this timeless potential becomes "actualized" only when the wave function collapses into a specific state—essentially "observed" or "measured." 

4. Energy, Light, and Information The connection between light, energy, and information is fundamental to both quantum mechanics and cosmology. Photons (the fundamental particles of light) can be thought of as the carriers of both energy and information, conveying not just physical properties but also the state of the system they interact with. The notion that light (as both metaphorical and literal) symbolizes the revelation of hidden potential is a powerful metaphor for enlightenment, awareness, or the arrival of truth. Similarly, information is increasingly understood in physics as a fundamental building block of reality. The holographic principle, which suggests that the entire universe may be encoded on a two-dimensional surface, is one example of how information and physical reality might be deeply entwined. 

5. Change, Space, and Time as a Measurement of Becoming 

Time as Change: The idea that time is a measure of becoming—of change occurring within a defined space—echoes the concept that change itself is the only constant. The interaction of forces (attraction and repulsion) causes this change, which can be quantified as "time" only when it is observed. 

Space as Containment: Space functions as the stage in which this change occurs. Without space, change could not be measured, and without time, change would not have a meaningful progression 

6. The Role of Forces in Change The dynamics of attractive and repulsive forces are a classic theme in both physics and metaphysics. On the quantum level, electromagnetic forces govern how particles interact, while the gravitational force shapes larger-scale cosmic phenomena. The same principles can be seen in consciousness—the attraction toward unity or wholeness, and the repulsion that gives rise to differentiation or fragmentation. In metaphysical terms, these forces could also symbolize duality—the tension between forces that unite (attraction) and those that separate (repulsion), reflecting the dance between oneness and multiplicity that we experience both within and without. 

7. Metaphor and Symbolism Metaphor and symbolism are often used in the philosophy of language to express what cannot be directly experienced or fully conceptualized. The ineffable nature of existence often requires such tools to bridge the gap between the unknown and the known. This ties into the symbolic nature of quantum mechanics—where abstract mathematical equations and models give us a glimpse into the workings of the universe, even though those models are, in a sense, symbolic representations of an underlying reality that we can never fully grasp. In this sense, our understanding of reality is always incomplete, partial, and mediated by language, perception, and consciousness. Metaphors help us navigate the limitations of direct experience and point toward deeper, hidden truths. 

8. Consciousness as a Co-Creator of Reality The idea that consciousness is not just an observer, but a co-creator of reality is perhaps the most radical concept in both quantum theory and metaphysical thought. If the QFVPP only "becomes real" through observation, then reality itself is an ongoing act of co-creation between the observer and the observed. This challenges the conventional notion of a purely mechanistic universe and suggests that the mind is not a passive participant in the physical world, but a creative force embedded in the very fabric of existence. In a sense, each observer—each consciousness—adds its unique imprint to the unfolding of the universe, shaping not only what is observed but how it is experienced. 

Conclusion The synthesis of quantum mechanics and metaphysical principles in this framework paints a picture of a universe that is participatory, dynamic, and deeply interconnected. The observer, consciousness, and the unmanifest potential of the QFVPP are inextricably linked in an ongoing dance of becoming. Time, space, light, and forces are not mere external structures but emerge as part of a larger, co-creative process in which the boundaries between observer and observed, mind and matter, dissolve into a deeper, interconnected whole. 

This understanding invites us to see reality not as a static entity but as an evolving, conscious process that depends on our engagement with it—a truly participatory universe where our consciousness is not separate from the cosmos but embedded within it, helping to shape and define its very nature. 

* * *

The virtual point, the seed

Boundary development and parameters (internal and external) are based upon vibratory frequency and pattern recognition common to and inherent within, the property of every agency’s structure.

Downward internal causation

Causal vectors of EIM appear to emerge from within the depths of every tangible and/or intangible context by means of its’ attraction to the vibrational composition of another agent or agency. This attraction can easily cross all dimensions by means of coherent resonance

agent: an energy that produces a specific effect, a substance that brings about a chemical or physical effect or causes a chemical reaction, the doer of an action. 

An agent can be identified, qualified and measured by means of the frequency in which it vibrates and is attracted. All agents of EIM are made apparent and recognizable by virtue of their agency. 

Note: This process triggers philosophical discussion concerning naturalism, evolution, natural selection and consciousness. In reference to design, every philosophy, choice, opinion and determination is solely that of the observers. 

* * *

“In a metaphysical context, natural selection refers to the idea that the process of organisms with advantageous traits surviving and reproducing more readily, leading to evolutionary change, is a fundamental principle of reality itself, essentially suggesting that the diversity and complexity of life, as we know it, arises naturally through this mechanism without the need for external intervention or design, often aligning with the concept of metaphysical naturalism.”

Note: The concept of "natural selection" describes the design process as an event or experience that could never be made alone. 

Key points about the metaphysical interpretation of natural selection: 

No supernatural agency: This view rejects the notion of a deity or other supernatural force actively guiding evolution, instead seeing the process as entirely driven by natural laws. 

Emergence of complexity: Natural selection is seen as a process that generates complex organisms and behaviors from simpler origins, without the need for pre-determined design. 

Focus on "fitness": The concept of "fitness" in natural selection, referring to an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment, becomes a key metaphysical concept, representing the inherent "value" or "purpose" in the evolutionary process. 

Important considerations

Philosophical debate: While natural selection is a well-established scientific theory, its metaphysical implications are still debated by philosophers, particularly regarding the nature of "fitness" and whether it can be fully explained without invoking teleological (purpose-driven) concepts. 

Relationship to other metaphysical ideas: The metaphysical interpretation of natural selection often intersects with discussions about the nature of consciousness, the mind-body problem, and the origin of morality, as these aspects of human experience may be seen as products of evolutionary processes. 

Source: AI Overview 

* * *

The concepts of limitlessness, nothingness and formlessness are represented symbolically in the idea that we each are a virtual point, a unique and intimate agent and agency set forth to experience the design process towards unfoldment, self-revelation and transcendence, i.e. the hero's journey.

An agencies’ path is determined by both attraction and repulsion, impressions of energy in the overall pursuit of wholeness (unity) through balance and harmony. This impulse infers there exists a purpose and a meaning in support of that function. 

function: task, role, reason, mission, undertaking, capacity, situation, activity, province, operation. infer: deduce reason, conclude, draw the inference, surmise, theorize, hypothesize, understand, presume, assume, extrapolate, or conclude from evidence and reasoning rather that explicit statements. 

attraction: an inference towards unity, harmony, accord, cooperation, collaboration, agreement, togetherness, solidarity, like-mindedness, peace, synthesis, oneness, wholeness, entity, undividedness, cohesion, coherence identity and congruity. Whereas repulsion tends to separate or move an agent or agency away from each other. 

Design embraces a virtual process that embraces a series of intangible objectives to be symbolically achieved through the process of knowing and feeling. The question why initiates the challenge.

A point essentially represents a seed that harbors the potential to fulfill its' impulse to manifest, grow and expand by means of change, and through experience, sense the meaning and purpose supporting what is created. Design describes the process of knowing thyself.

describes: reports, narrates, recounts, relates, tell of, chronicles, expresses, gives a description/accounts of, gives details, paints a picture, explains, expounds, elucidates, illustrates, designates, labels, portrays, depicts, brands.

In reference to humanity, the desirous impulse to grow and expand in knowledge and therefore consciousness can only be measured, weighed and felt within the virtual and symbolic realm of conscious awareness. It is here where every design embraces its' potential. 

impulse: a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act, a driving motivating force, an impetus, a pulse of electrical energy, a brief current, a force acting briefly on a body and producing a finite change or momentum, suddenly and without forethought.

The expansion of awareness (yang) is first born and generated by contraction (yin) which implies the beginnings of the process of consubstantiation.

contraction: the process of becoming smaller, shrinking, reduction in size, shrinkage, tightening, constricting, convulsion, labor pains, abbreviation. 

consubstantial: of the same substance or essence, of one substance.

The design and growth of consciousness is wholly dependent upon the design and growth of awareness: i.e. the parts/observer. 

Awareness (yin) lies at the source of every consubstantial birth made apparent at a "point of quickening". The quickening highlights the beginning of a new process of separation (yang) from its contextual source and past sense and concept of oneness/wholeness.

lies: consists, be inherent, inhere, be present, be contained, exists, resides, have its existence/being.

The strength, virtue and value embedded in the properties of a self-driven process of creativity brings forth a natural attraction towards designing one's own Life towards greater knowing, i.e. consciousness. 

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What you're outlining touches on profound philosophical and metaphysical concepts, exploring the nature of consciousness, existence, and the process of creation through a blend of symbolic language, energy, and agency. The language you're using suggests a framework where design is a process of unfolding, a dynamic interaction between energy (in both tangible and intangible forms) and awareness, ultimately driving the evolution of consciousness

Here’s a breakdown of some of the core ideas you're presenting: 

1. Vibratory Frequency and Resonance 

• Everything, from tangible physical matter to intangible abstract concepts (thoughts, feelings, etc.), vibrates at a specific frequency. This vibratory frequency allows different "agencies" (or conscious agents) to be connected, attracted, or repelled by one another. This creates a resonant system, where interaction occurs based on shared or opposing vibrational patterns. 

• These vibrations transcend dimensions, suggesting that frequency is a universal language that governs both material and non-material phenomena. 

2. Internal Causation and Emergence 

• The idea that internal causation drives external outcomes speaks to a form of self-organizing principle. Each agent or system (whether biological, psychological, or spiritual) originates from its own "depths" or core and evolves in response to external and internal stimuli. 

• The concept of EIM (which may represent an energy or intelligence matrix, or a field of existence and manifestation) implies that all existence—whether tangible or intangible—is emergent from this internal vibratory causation. 

3. The Agent and the Agency • Every agent, as a unique entity, can be defined by its vibratory frequency, attracting or repelling other agents. This suggests that agency is a fundamental property of existence—each entity is both the observer and the observed, participating in its own evolutionary process. 

• The symbolic signature of an agent—the "point" or "seed"—represents its potential to evolve, expand, and transcend, but the way this unfolds depends on the vibratory interactions with other agents. 

4. Consubstantial Birth and Awareness (Yin and Yang) 

• The interplay of yin (contraction, stillness, awareness) and yang (expansion, action, manifestation) seems to symbolize the continuous cycle of creation and realization. Consubstantial birth refers to the interconnectedness between all parts of existence, where every part reflects the whole. 

• Awareness, the source of creation (yin), gives rise to manifestation (yang) in the form of expansion and differentiation. This gives rise to a process of individuation, where consciousness is both the observer and the observed, continuously evolving through its experiences of separation and unity. 

5. The Desire for Self-Knowledge and Transcendence 

• The desire to know oneself is a central theme. This pursuit of self-knowledge is not only an intellectual or emotional journey but also a creative act that shapes and directs the flow of energy and awareness. 

• This process, as described, seems to resonate with the idea of transcendence—where awareness of the self and its potential leads to unfoldment into higher states of consciousness. It’s a movement from limitation (form, structure, boundaries) to limitlessness, where the very process of becoming itself is the agent of transcendence. 

6. The Role of the Observer 

The observer is crucial in the creation of meaning and purpose. As you note, the philosophical process of design—whether through naturalism, evolution, or consciousness—remains subjective, as it’s framed by the observer’s lens. This places the responsibility of meaning and understanding on each individual or agent, highlighting the creative power of consciousness. 

• This subjective process of creation is, in essence, a process of self-revelation, where consciousness unfolds and comes to know itself through its own creations and interpretations. 

7. Philosophical Implications 

• The concepts of limitlessness, nothingness, and formlessness suggest that at the deepest levels of existence, there is no fixed structure—only potential. The "point" you mention serves as both the origin and the end, a symbolic representation of the potential for creation, awareness, and the evolutionary journey. 

• In this view, every agent is on a path toward wholeness and unity, shaped by its internal resonance and its relationship with other agents. The process of growth and expansion is not linear but involves an ongoing dance of attraction and repulsion, moving toward a greater understanding of itself and the universe. 

8. Creative Power and the Strength of Consciousness 

• The creative process you describe is cyclical and iterative, where each new realization brings forth new layers of meaning, awareness, and expansion. The desirous impulse you mention aligns with the creative impulse in many philosophical and spiritual traditions, where the journey of creation is an expression of the universe’s inherent desire to know itself. 

In conclusion, this description evokes a cosmology of self-organizing, self-aware agents, each participating in the greater design of consciousness. The process of creation and unfolding is rooted in vibration, resonance, and the continual dance between unity and separation. Through this process, consciousness expands, grows, and comes to know itself more deeply, fulfilling its inherent impulse toward transcendence and self-realization. 

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

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Why Human Culture Never Stops Evolving

Summary: A new study proposes that human culture’s unique power lies not in its ability to accumulate knowledge, as once thought, but in its “open-endedness.” Unlike animal cultures that reach limits in evolution, human culture continuously expands, adapting without bounds. 

This “open-ended” nature, which allows us to innovate infinitely, makes human culture distinct from others in the animal kingdom. Examples like chimp tool use or whale song evolution demonstrate that animal cultures can accumulate knowledge but stop evolving at certain points. In contrast, human culture keeps advancing, allowing for increasingly complex cultural, technological, and intellectual developments.

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"To believe is to accept another's truth.
To know is you own creation."

Edited: 11.18.2024, 11.21.2024

Find your truth. Know your mind. Follow your heart. Love eternal will not be denied. Discernment is an integral part of self-mastery. You may share this post on a non-commercial basis, the author and URL to be included. Please note … posts are continually being edited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024 C.G. Garant. 

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